The concept of leg training is a hot topic. Apparently men who don't are weak and inferior. Here's the thing I've found. Most women are more attracted to a chiseled chest, arms and abs than legs. Plus leg training seems hard. Isn't that why everyone complains about it? I admittedly have never trained my legs. Hence the shirt. They are far too powerful as is. You can wear this to the gym and high five other skinny leggers and start a club or something.
ATTENTION! IF you want any other year just message me BEFORE your purchase and I'll change it. Otherwise it will be 1977 by default. Message me with shirt style, size, color and year you'd like to appear.
YOU CAN MESSAGE ME VIA MY INSTAGRAM @tshirttimemachine or email tshirttimemachine@hotmail.com Once I confirm then I will send you a link and we can proceed.
This shirt is printed and shipped from the center of the universe. Detroit Michigan.