Ever wonder who the first dummies were to get married? Probably some cave people ten thousand years ago decided to get hitched. We'll call them Grog and Oota. It worked for a while until Grog was at the club one night. Actually just down by the communal fire, but he brought his club......and he noticed Krag the cave hoe was looking cleaner than usual. He decided to offer her some of his squirrel meat. Flash forward and ole Grog is sleeping in his buddies cave and having to pay Oota child support (probably fancy rocks) for a half dozen mutant off spring. No bueno. Good thing everyone died at 26. Now days it's common for people to live to 100 or more. This means potentially 75 years of marriage. Wow. No thanks. Kid Rock said it best. “Getting married is the most fun you can have in life. Being married sucks.”
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